
Rosie Cotswolds is the opposite of “fast fashion” - each piece in the collection is designed purposefully to bring beauty to the everyday while safeguarding the earth, farming, and artisans through sourcing sustainable textiles.  All of our fabric is “Better Cotton Initiative” (BCI) certified, which ensures fair wages for farmers and textile producers and promotes healthy practices that take care of our earth's natural resources. Producing limited edition, small batch collections of only a dozen units per style allows us to use the highest quality European, organic, and BCI certified textiles while avoiding having to carry extra inventory and the excessive waste that permeates the “fast fashion” industry.

We believe fashion should keep an eye to the future and use our earth's precious resources in a responsible and sustainable way.  BCI certified cotton works to ensure measurable and continuing improvements for the environment, farming communities and the economies of cotton-producing areas.

BCI certified fabrics:

  • Reduce the environmental impact of cotton production
  • Improve livelihoods and economic development in cotton producing areas
  • Improve commitment to and flow of Better Cotton throughout supply chain